5 Timeless Women's Watches That Never Go Out of Style



I HAVE A CONFESSION : I LOVE BLACKHEADS, whenever I see one, I become so happy, excited and crazy about thinking popping one! It's satisfying to see one but disgusting to have one right? I always do some homemade recipes to prevent them. Try to get your baby skin back by fighting blackheads is easier than you think thanks to a few easy-to-use natural ingredients. (see below)

Step 1: open the pores

I always try to clean my pores after a shower, because with the heat of the water, the pores open easily without any difficulties. But you can do it manually if you want to. You can open the pores by filling a container with boiling water, leaning over it with a towel over your head to hide every spot where the steam can go, as if you were inhaling it, and staying there for a few minutes. try to dry the face by gently dabbing with a towel.

Step 2: we purify

Once the skin is ready to be cleansed, we choose the method that inspires us the most to purify the pores. Use a cleanser that suits your face (I've already talked about the cleanser that I recommend on the last article).

You can also use those ingredients below to clean and purify and also to prevent blackheads.


The lemon

This magic ingredient is essential to disinfect and unclog blackheads. Not only does it serve as the base ingredient for every treatment, it can also be used to restore clear skin.

Squeeze a lemon and keep the juice in a container that can be kept in the fridge.

Using a cotton ball or a soft, clean toothbrush, apply it to the areas to be treated.

ATTENTION : You should not use the lemon everyday, although it can be very serving, but it may also harm & burn your face. I use lemon once in two weeks.  

Egg white

This is the light mask that you've been dreaming of! so relaxing, hydrating and smooth!. Just whip an egg white until stiff and add a few drops of lemon. Apply to the face, insisting on the T zone (forehead, nose, chin), leave on for a quarter of an hour and rinse gently.


If you have a sensitive skin, please don't use nothing, you can opt for the yogurt mask instead. Mix two tablespoons of plain yogurt and half a tps of honey, place the mask on your face and leave on for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water and admire the results. HYDRATING AND REFRESHING!

I've looked online, and found some articles about using lemon and bicarbonate! don't use bicarbonate on your face! It s harmful, and could burn your face!!! and with lemon? you can have a 2 degree burnt on your face, and it will also dry your skin. 

Also, blackheads come from pollution, from air, from smoke also, so the best advice is always deep clean your face before going to bed! there's always sebum, it does actually look like a blackhead when you pop it but it's a different thing. I'll try to explain it more next time in an article! Tell me if you find these tips helpful! 

Thank you for taking time reading the article! 



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